History of the Department of Sociology
According to the “Regulation on the Structure Completion of Gadjah Mada University” No. 53759/Kab by the Minister of Education, Teaching and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, the establishment date of the Faculty of Social and Political Affairs, Gadjah Mada University (UGM) is 19 September 1955. This faculty has five departments: the Department of Public Business Sciences, the Department of International Relations, the Department of Publication Sciences, the Department of Sociology, and the Department of Sociatry. This later marked the birth of the Department of Sociology at Gadjah Mada University, officiated by Government Regulation No. 15/1957 concerning teaching levels and Senate Determination of 10 July 1957.
The origins of the establishment of the faculty can be traced to the joining of the Academy of Political Science (AIP) in 1948 in Yogyakarta, which initially only consisted of three departments, namely the Department of Government Sciences, the Department of International Relations, and the Department of Publication Sciences. After the official founding of Gadjah Mada University by President Soekarno on 19 December 1949, AIP Yogyakarta joined as part of the Faculty of Law of UGM in accordance with Government Regulation No.23/1949. Then, with Government Regulation No.30/1950, the faculty’s name was changed to the Faculty of Law, Economics, Social Sciences, and Politics (Hukum, Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Politik – HESP). Finally, on 15 September 1955, the HESP faculty split into three: the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics, and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.
The Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIPOL) is an integral part of Gadjah Mada University's (UGM) academia. As an educational institution, the Department of Sociology is responsible for developing applicable sociological knowledge to address contemporary social problems according to the tri-dharma principles of higher education.
In practice, the Department of Sociology also emphasizes the importance of synergy between educational activities, research, and community service. In terms of education and teaching, the Department of Sociology compiles and develops a substantive, theoretical, and methodological framework based on the research results of faculty staff members. The same applies to community service activities, where the empowerment and knowledge transfer process was informed by the results of in-depth research.
In this case, the community service activities are managed as a social laboratory for teaching staff, researchers, and students to apply, evaluate, and develop the principles of sociological sciences in society.
The Department of Sociology at UGM prioritizes three main objectives in implementing the tri-dharma of higher education. First, the development of sociology as a science and methodological framework with a global perspective to read contemporary social conditions in society critically. Second, active and direct involvement in solving contemporary social problems facing the Indonesian nation. Third, increasing the production of knowledge through research activities, which can be used as a reference for formulating policies with contextual relevance to societal conditions and needs.
Since its founding on 19 September 1955, the Department of Sociology has been part of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Gadjah Mada University. This long history and institutional journey have shaped the Department of Sociology into a competitive, dynamic, and adaptive department. Furthermore, the Sociology Department continuously organizes and develops its curriculum, learning methods, and governancethat cater to) dengan mempertimbangkan kedua aspek tersebut. Demi menjamin kualitas pembelajaran, Departemen Sosiologi FISIPOL UGM membangun kerangka awal integrasi program S1, S2 dan S3 dalam skema departemental.
In brief, the degrees and levels of the sociology study programs are as follows. S1 (Sarjana) materi pokok berkaitan dengan Principle of Sociology, berdisiplin sosiologi dan praktek aplikatif; untuk S2 (Master) mencakup Logic of Sociology, berdisiplin, menerapkan dan bersikap kritis; serta untuk S3 (Doktor) adalah Logic of Social Sciencebeing disciplined, critical, reflective, and innovative. With inter-departmental integration, supported by adequate educational facilities, as well as competent and qualified teaching staff, the Department of Sociology can equip its graduates with adequate sociological knowledge, understanding, and skills that are applicable to the current situations.